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David Elikwu

Care Enough to Act

The world is full of bleeding hearts. There’s an abundance of good causes we care about. Genuinely. When something happens in the world we gasp, we cry, we fire off tweets in outrage. I’m saying we, talking about myself, and trusting I’m not alone. Our emotions are...

David Elikwu

How To Live With Purpose and Stay Out of Jail

Frederick Herzberg has the kind of name you would assume belongs to a great scientist, psychologist or philosopher without me needing to tell you. He’s the mind behind the two-factor motivation theory. Herzberg suggested that there are two mutually exclusive sets of factors in the workplace which drive both...

David Elikwu

The Full Human Experience

I've got a challenge for you this week. You might not like it, but promise me you'll try: Go outside and strike up a conversation with a stranger. A conversation I had reminded me about how different the social skills of different generations might be depending...

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