The irony of our modern preoccupation with productivity is that it is largely mimetic. Its sense of necessity is largely prompted by others around us, even from a distance.

Millions of people watch videos studying the morning routines of everyone from Pablo Picasso to Maya Angelou. I’m sure there’s a kernel of useful knowledge in these pursuits but the practical utility is often limited.

More often, people spend hours watching productivity videos while actively procrastinating as a form of masochistic self-flagellation concerning their apparent inability to do the things that really matter. Sounds brutal but I’ve been there too.

Productivity at its core is a form of movement. It’s positive inertia; finding traction over distraction. Often, the things we do to feel productive are simultaneously the things that create the most noise.

Bullet journaling is an easy example.

Can it be useful? Yes. Is it often used as a tool to simulate something being done while actually doing nothing? Yes.

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